On Art and Depression

On Art and Depression

So, maybe you know or maybe you don’t, but I’m currently doing Inktober and it is seriously kicking my ass right now. I’m about 4 days behind, my creativity is waning and I am so so so tired.

What does depression have to do with anything? Well, let me explain how I spiral when stressed, which is exactly what I have been for the past week.

I look at the prompt for the day and I think, “this seems interesting,” until I have to sit down and think of something to draw.

After some time of producing failed sketches, I close my laptop or sketchbook and sulk.

At some point, the day passes me by and I still have no ideas, and then…in comes the self doubt and hatred!

I start to think about why I even bothered to participate when I barely even draw anymore. Then it moves to how I’m no longer as creative as I used to be. Then I get angry that I can’t draw a circle properly and all my lines are shaky and then I wish I could just disappear.

Sounds so fun, right?

Depression is not new for me, and certain things trigger me, and sometimes there’s nothing at all and I just get down in the dumps; like really down.

I think you get it by now though, stress is the worst! I mean, duh, right?

Hopefully someone out there relates to my dilemma; enjoying drawing but also becoming crippled with stress and subsequent depressive moments.

You’re definitely not alone, I’ll tell you that.

When I get like this, I watch TV shows. My favorites right now are Prodigal Son, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo and Mind Your Language. Maybe they might help you too, who knows?

Anyways, until next time! Hopefully I’ll be able to say I finished Inktober…